Building a Culture of Health for America

Building a Culture of Health

Through Insights

SITKA, ALASKA - SEPTEMBER 2019:  Naa Kahidi Dance Show in downtown Sitka, Alaska.

Blog Post

Learning with Indigenous Communities to Advance Health Equity

Tribal Nations, resilient stewards of life-giving natural resources, can lead the way to a more sustainable and healthy future.


A Policy Agenda for a Healthier, More Equitable New Jersey

2-min read


Coverage Gains if 10 States Were to Expand Medicaid Eligibility

1-min read

A group of people working on building a house together.

Measuring Our Progress

Continually collecting data from research and community engagement helps us understand the impact of our efforts in building a Culture of Health.

Young woman stands at podium making announcement.

We Inform Policies

We develop evidence to inform some of the most complex health and policy issues facing our nation today—addressing the conditions and long-standing structures that lead to poor health outcomes and transforming policies that expand access and opportunity.

New Jersey graphic

A Healthier, More Equitable New Jersey

To honor the legacy started by our founder, Robert Wood Johnson II, we at RWJF remain committed to improving health and advancing health equity for all in New Jersey and beyond.